The Longing in Our Souls Moments with God, Vol. 72
Thirst…Nothing quite quenches my thirst as water, not ice-cold water, but cool water that I can drink without stopping until my thirst is satisfied. The same was true for a rather large dog in the park today. His master filled a bowl with water and after what I imagine was a very long walk, he lapped up the water, had the bowl refilled, and lapped up some more until his thirst was satisfied. Psalm 42 opens with a deer panting for flowing streams of water. Thirst needs to be satisfied, and so does the longing in our souls.
A panting deer indicates the animal may have been in flight. Having just escaped from a perilous run, she seeks to have her need for water satisfied. In the same way, the psalmist finds himself in a perilous time. Many difficulties have come his way, and all seems unclear. He feels utterly alone, so much so that his enemies realize it and taunt him asking “Where is your God?” His spirits slip, and he finds himself in the depths of despair. Just as the deer, the psalmist knows his need must be satisfied, and he longs for God to fill him.
“ Why am I so depressed? Why this turmoil within me? Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him, my Savior and my God. I am deeply depressed; therefore I remember You from the land of Jordan and the peaks of Hermon, from Mount Mizar. Deep calls to deep in the roar of Your waterfalls; all Your breakers and Your billows have swept over me. The Lord will send His faithful love by day; His song will be with me in the night—a prayer to the God of my life.” (Psalm 42:5-8 HCSB)
It almost seems when the psalmist recognizes where he is emotionally, he questions himself. Why is he even like this? Yes, his enemies surround him and make life difficult, he seems isolated and is not doing well physically. Everything seems to be going wrong, but then he remembers. He has God! With all he faces, God is there. God alone can meet his every need no matter what takes place. God is with him, and God’s unfailing love surrounds him. Yes, God is there. Light shines in the darkness, and hope is restored.
Do you ever have times like that? You feel hopeless, lost, or alone? You feel like everyone is against you and nothing is going right? You have slipped into the valley and fallen into the depths of despair? I know I have. I feel hopeless about a situation, or I am unsure of the next steps to take and rather than looking to God, I settle in my emotions and let them drag me down. It’s when I finally see where my thoughts are taking me, I remember. I have God. God is there, surrounding me with His faithful love. I look up in hope and hold on to His hand once again. He meets my deepest longings and fills my soul.
God alone can satisfy your deepest needs. As you seek Him and allow your soul to be filled with Him, hope is restored and joy bubbles out, even if the difficulties around you continue. God wants to be your refuge and your strength. He wants you to find your complete satisfaction in Him, because He knows that only He can satisfy.
So, are you feeling a bit hopeless and don’t know where to turn? Seek God. Allow your panting soul to find satisfaction in Him and like the psalmist, “Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him, my Savior and my God.” (Psalm 42:11b)
In His Love,