Women holding a baby

Like a Child Moments with God, Vol. 71

Nestling her in my arms, my cheek rested against the downy softness of sweet Libby’s head. She snuggled close as I cradled her, swaying back and forth rocking her to sleep. To me there is nothing like holding a precious little one in my arms. I am always amazed how quickly tiny infants can adapt and trustingly fall asleep in another’s arms. While definitely knowing who mama is, a little baby can quickly trust others, especially when the needs are met.

In his gospel, Luke shares about a time when Jesus talked about the special trust a child has, a trust we can all learn from.

“Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.’” (Luke 18:15-17)

As the parents brought their infants to Jesus, the disciples rebuked and held them back. Yet Jesus, in calling the children to Him, pointed out that entrance into the kingdom required the faith of a child.

So, what is child-like faith? Children are simple, humble, and willing to be the least. They love to be taught. They know they are helpless and seek the help of one who is above them, stronger, wiser, and able to supply. They hold on to their simple trust without asking why, how, or when. They hold on to their trust because they do not have a reason not to. Trust is developed and strengthened with each need consistently met. This is the kind of trust that God says will bring us into His kingdom.

While saving faith brought us into His kingdom, God also calls us to trust Him with this same kind of faith in our day-to-day life and sometimes that is harder to grasp.

Life brings some crazy challenges. There are ups and downs causing life to spin out of control. Needs come up we find impossible to meet. Circumstances abruptly change. We face loss, we doubt, we despair. We lose control and try to figure out how to face the impossible.

In those moments God says, “Look to me.” He asks us to trust Him as a child would. God holds all the answers when we do not. God is stronger, wiser, and more powerful than we could ever imagine. He is sovereign and in control of all things. He is faithful, and His love for us is overflowing. God never fails. So why shouldn’t we trust? He has never given us a reason not to.

What keeps you from trusting God? Freedom comes as you remember. Remember who God is, remember what He has done. Remember He alone knows your beginning and your end. He promises to hold you and keep you regardless of the path your life takes. All He asks is for you to trust His plan. Trust like a child, knowing you are helpless without Him. Trust knowing God has never given you a reason not to trust Him. Trust God’s goodness, knowing as He holds you close, you are safe in His arms.

“Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.” (Deuteronomy 33:12)

In His Love,


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