An Invitation Moments with God, Vol. 73
Beautiful melody filled the air as the touch on the keys of our church’s grand piano brought Mia and Sebastian’s Theme from La La Land to my ears. Seeking the pianist, I discovered the musician was actually my son, Branden! This led me to discover Branden had been blessed with an ear for music. He could hear a piece and learn to play it rather than reading the music as he had been taught. As the years went by, he picked up more instruments and began to lead worship. Branden loves leading worship.
With this year most likely being his last with camp ministry, Branden’s greatest desire was to be the worship leader for the summer. With the promise of the position, a few weeks before camp he found he was assigned as a counselor. What should he do? What would Jesus do? Something Bran really wanted was taken away, yet after the hurt and disappointment subsided, he understood the work God could do through him, and he began his ministry with the campers.
Sometimes God asks us to do hard things. We are asked to make choices when situations do not go as planned. We think through our response and have been taught to consider – “What would Jesus do?” During conversation this week with my pastor, he shared a question from a book he just finished. He asked me, “What would Jesus do through you?” The question has not left my thoughts.
The Bible shares story after story of what Jesus did. By the power of the Holy Spirit and His Word, we are guided through life and shown how to become more like our Savior. We know what Jesus would do, and by His grace we can do it. But what if we had a willingness, if we sacrificially gave all that we are so He could unreservedly do all He wanted to do through us? What if we freely gave up our dreams and desires to allow Him to work His Will through us and reach others for Him? Paul encourages such sacrifice in Romans 12.
“Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” ~ Romans 12:1-2
When we give ourselves to God as a sacrifice, we are offering Him our obedience, our worship, our complete trust that whatever His Will is, He will use it to draw others to Him. God invites us into His story as He works in the lives of those around us. He gives us a part. He invites us to love the unlovable, serve with humility, give with sacrifice, and share the most precious gift anyone could receive – salvation. God does not need our help for His plans to be fulfilled, but He invites us to be a part of His work. Not only does He give us everything needed, but He also gives us Him. We never walk alone in anything God asks us to do.
Branden had the opportunity to be involved in worship through this summer at camp, but more, he had the opportunity to invest in the lives of children and show them Jesus. He allowed God to work through him and was given opportunities to connect with kids he may not have had if he were the worship leader. As counselor, Bran became the vessel God needed to touch the hearts of some troubled boys with Jesus.
So, what could Jesus do through you? Could your grace and love be a gift they have never experienced? Could your encouragement lead to greater confidence? Could your kindness help someone feel loved? Could your friendship lead them to a friendship with Jesus? Step into God’s story and be His vessel. You have no idea how another might change their hearts and lives for Christ simply because you were willing to allow Jesus to work through you.
So, what could Jesus do through you?
In His Love,