Tomorrow’s Troubles Moments with God, Vol. 60
“Are you busy?” How often have you been asked that?
In response to an email from my sweet friend, Sara, I shared with her how I am always busy, but I felt like I go through waves of being incredibly busy to manageable. Looking at her recent posts, I observed that our lives seemed pretty much the same in this area. Can you relate?
Heading into this week, we are preparing for a major conference at church, and I had already signed up for a writing conference. With my daughter’s week filled with the school musical and lacrosse, we were also searching for time to celebrate her 14th birthday on Friday. With all the extra running around, making plans for a special birthday celebration, in addition to what was already on my plate, life has been challenging. Then to top it off, the end of last week brought the potential of another event at church for this week. Talk about feeling overwhelmed! I began to make lists – not only lists of what needed to be done but also lists of what I needed to complete each day to get everything done.
Tuesday as I reviewed things with my pastor, I asked about the potential event, hoping I would somehow be able to fit it into my already packed schedule. He looked at me with a smile and said “It hasn’t happened yet. Don’t plan for what hasn’t happened.” The meaning of his words hit me with truth. I set thoughts of the event aside and focused on what was before me for the day.
Later as I thought about his wise words, I remembered what God shared with Matthew about worry. In Matthew 6, we are reminded not to worry about our life, food, or clothing. If God cared for the needs of a tiny bird and created the beauty of a flower to be more stunning than the splendor of Solomon’s wardrobe, wouldn’t He care for those created in His very image? The last verse of this passage was the one I was reminded of with my pastor’s words.
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34)
Here I was worried about how I would fit one more thing into my schedule when I did not even know if it would actually happen!
Have you ever done that? Have you ever worried about a situation or a conversation and then found it never took place? You worried about it for no reason. Being anxious about what may happen tomorrow is foolish. What happens tomorrow is something only our sovereign God knows.
So, what should we do when we feel an unwanted conversation may take place, when we sense the busyness of life is about to become more chaotic, or when we feel our strength will not let us carry on? Remember the promises of God. His mercies are new every morning. His strength is abundant, His love steadfast, and His faithfulness is sure. His promise to Paul is the same to us.
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9a)
Leave the worries of tomorrow for tomorrow knowing that the same God who provided grace for each moment of today will do the same tomorrow.
In His Love,