Know Your Need Moments with God, Vol. 59
Our house backs up to part of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Much wildlife has made its way through our yard as the years have gone by. When my boys were quite young, we started to see a lot of frogs and turtles.
One summer afternoon, the boys had enjoyed some time in their pool, but with the coming rain I deflated it so the pool could dry and be put away. Of course, I forgot to put it away and days later the boys found a painted turtle hatchling swimming in a little puddle formed in the deflated pool.
Often a female painted turtle would lay her eggs throughout the yard, usually in my flower beds, and then move on to the pond across the street. We never knew when or where those eggs were laid, but we did see the little hatchlings emerge and make their way toward the pond. I always felt bad for the little ones, abandoned by their mothers, alone and lost in the world without love.
As you can probably guess, we took the little hatchling in as our beloved pet. This little one was the size of a nickel, so we decided that was a great name. Little did I know as the years went by that Nickel would grow rapidly and cause our kitchen to constantly smell. When Nickel outgrew his tank, we released him into a large pond with other painted turtles. Without hesitation, Nickel quickly swam away to enjoy his new home, just the way he was designed by God.
Other animals also leave their young before birth or soon after, however this has nothing to do with a lack of love for their young. It is God’s design for creation. As our Creator, God is far different with His children than a turtle is with their hatchlings. Time and again, I am so struck by how much God loves us, especially as I read this passage.
“The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for ‘In him we live and move and have our being’.” (Acts 17:24-28a)
God did not create us because He in any way needed us or needed our love. He created us because He wanted to show His love. He created us to need Him, and in that creation, He specially designed us for a purpose that only we can fulfill. He allows everything in our life to mold us to His perfect design, and then shows us how special and loved we are by using us in a way that only we can be used.
My favorite part of this passage is “That they should seek God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him.” God did not create and then leave us be, like a mama turtle. He fully interacts with the world He has made. He exists outside of time and space, and yet He is right beside each of us revealing Himself. God is not distant, unknown, or uninterested. He is never far from us, yet we can be far from Him. He does not walk away but does all He can to keep drawing us to Him.
Sometimes I have a hard time seeing God and understanding how the difficulties I am facing are fitting into any type of plan, but then I remember His plan for me was established from the very beginning of time. He carefully designed His purpose for me before I was even thought of. He knew the situations I would need to face to shape me to do this life and interact with others in a way that shows them Him. He never leaves me to do it alone. He sustains me, cares for me, and provides me with all I need to fulfill His purpose. Those times when He feels far away, those are the times I need to reach out, search for Him, and see what is blocking the way. When I work through those issues and take care of any sin, I find God is right there, right where I left Him before the fears, doubts and sin blocked my view of Him. With loving arms, He reaches out and draws me near to Him again. In seeking Him, I find Him and am invited to understand more of who He is and who He made me to be. All of my wanderings lead me back to my Creator, help me to understand more who I am because of Him, and I am more prepared to do the work He has called me to do.
Our Creator God desires this same relationship with you. No matter what takes you away, He is always right where you left Him, waiting for you to wander back and search for Him. Your experiences and lessons in life further prepare you for the beautiful plan He created you alone to fulfill. As you know Him, you come to know who you truly are and who He created you to be.
So, what are you doing today to know Him? He is right there waiting to be found. He does not leave you to do this alone but is so close that as you search for Him you will find, and like me, see that ‘In him we live and move and have our being.’ Hatchlings are born knowing their needs. Your need is for God. Follow His design for you, and seek Him.
In His Love,