
Birds flying in the shape of a V

The Broken V

Driving to school early one morning, Bethany and I noticed a group of geese flying in a V. Suddenly, they broke apart, two flying in one direction, three flying another, one off on its own. As they parted, they scattered but their flying had no direction. They seemed lost and lacked confidence. They did not…
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Park bench at the edge of the lake by a tree

Where is the Good?

I am going to be completely honest and let you know what a struggle it has been for me to come up with something to share with you today. Sometimes experiencing or watching others go through incredible difficulty over and over in such a short span of time leads to a lot of contemplation that…
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Fallen Tree

Where is your heart?

Holden Arboretum has become one of my favorite places to hike. With all the beautiful areas to explore, what draws me most is the woods. The woods bring a sense of serenity to my heart as I travel the trails. Gazing up at towering trees, I feel incredibly small compared to their height. Massive trunks…
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Before the Throne

What would it be like to live under a monarchy? For most of us living in the United States, we will never experience being ruled by a king. The United States is a representative democracy, where our government is elected by its people. The British Monarchy is known as a constitutional monarchy. While the king…
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I Will Be With You

In my childhood home, we had a woodburning fireplace. The cold winter evenings became so cozy when my dad would light a fire. I loved the smell of the burning wood, the crackle and pop as trapped steam burst open from an ignited log, the warmth filling the room as the fire grew hotter. To…
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Light match

The Veil Lifted

I noticed a soft glow radiating from her face as I crossed the room to join her at the table. As we shared our meal, I learned this glow was the result of joy in being with Jesus, of setting aside the hard into His hands, of moving forward, of drawing near to Him. Leaving…
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Sharpening at all Times

Vibrations shook my phone drawing attention to a new text message that had just come in. Seeing her name, I quickly clicked on the text she sent to our group. For the better part of a year, this sweet friend has weathered difficulty after difficulty. As I read her lengthy text, I could hear the…
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Give Thanks

Thankfulness that Makes a Difference

Have you ever really thought about the word “thanks”? We focus on giving thanks Thanksgiving Day, but for the most part, we do give thanks on a daily basis. We say thanks when someone holds a door for us or when bags of groceries are carried in from the car. We like to give thanks…
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Cats hutting baby chipmonk

On the Prowl

Feeling my kitty slink past my legs, I watch knowing she is on the prowl. I have not spied what she sees on our patio, so I watch. Soon, I see a chipmunk scurrying about, looking for food to eat among the fallen leaves. The watch becomes more intense as the chipmunk climbs onto the…
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Farming rig toiling the soil

The Soil of Our Heart

Sometimes God takes us through circumstances in life that simply don’t make sense. I am sure this is how Hosea felt when God asked him to take a woman to be his wife who was a known prostitute. It seemed a strange request, but together they created a family. This new life did not create…
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