On the Prowl Moments with God, Vol. 46
Feeling my kitty slink past my legs, I watch knowing she is on the prowl. I have not spied what she sees on our patio, so I watch. Soon, I see a chipmunk scurrying about, looking for food to eat among the fallen leaves. The watch becomes more intense as the chipmunk climbs onto the step near our patio door. With nose pressed to the glass and every muscle strained, my kitten continues her watch. Unaware of potential danger, the little chipmunk continues its search, in reality completely safe due to a large glass window of separation.
As I watched this unfold, I was reminded of Peter’s description of Satan in 1 Peter 5:8.
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”
Most of us have only had the opportunity to observe lions at the zoo. Now and then, we may hear an occasional roar, but most of the time they are taking another nap! Some have had the opportunity to observe lions during an African safari. For me, observing lions during a safari might be a bit too close for comfort. Lions prowl about looking for their next meal. Their attacks are sudden and vicious. They attack when least expected. My cats are an incredibly smaller version of an attacking lion, but I have experienced the biting teeth and sharp claws as our play becomes intense. Their fierce attack is nothing compared to a lion’s, and a lion’s attack is nothing compared to Satan’s attack.
Our adversary, Satan, lies in ambush waiting to pounce. He targets those who belong to God. He will do all he can to discredit God’s word and keep His kingdom from advancing. His goal is to destroy, and he will do all he can to cause confusion, disbelief, and discouragement. He is deceptive and vicious as he works to steer believers away from God. He keeps the unsaved in a world of unbelief, false religion, and sin through his deceptive ways.
I think that is what makes it so difficult. He is deceptive. Satan knows ways to sneak into our hearts and minds when we are unaware. We do not even expect an attack as we go about daily life. Maybe we are not as faithful in our time with the Lord, and we let things slip. We quietly stray away from God. Or, we become overwhelmed with the difficult situations, and Satan-sent doubts fill our minds. Our trust in God weakens. He creatively does his work, and we unknowingly let him in. God’s work is stopped.
This comes back to Peter’s warning. He tells us to be actively watching for Satan’s attacks. We need to prepare our defenses, keeping Satan from gaining small victories and stopping God’s work in our lives.
So, what can you and I do to prepare? Preparation comes with not only reading God’s Word each day but allowing it to penetrate your heart and change you. Time in prayer is not just a list of praises and requests but talking to Him from the depths of your heart and in quietness listening to His words to you. Seeking God’s wisdom and guidance keeps you aware of Satan’s attacks. Faithful obedience to God and complete trust in Him, regardless of your situation, will keep Satan from gaining a foothold.
God has given you and I all we need to battle Satan’s quiet ambushes. The glass window creates safety for an unsuspecting chipmunk, but if I were to quietly open the patio door, a fierce attack would take place. When the door of our mind and heart are unknowingly opened to Satan, he will enter in and attack. We can expect it. As we keep our hearts and minds fixed on Jesus, His strong barrier will keep us safe from being devoured.
In His Love,