The Veil Lifted Moments with God, Vol. 49
I noticed a soft glow radiating from her face as I crossed the room to join her at the table. As we shared our meal, I learned this glow was the result of joy in being with Jesus, of setting aside the hard into His hands, of moving forward, of drawing near to Him. Leaving behind years of focusing on the struggles of life, she allowed the eyes of her heart to be enlightened by Jesus. Her shining face and joyful eyes were indicators of her time with the Lord.
A shining face, but not shining in blazing glory as Moses’ face when “he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God.” (Exodus 34:29) Moses beheld God’s glory, and similar to my friend, the glow of his face reflected time with God. Paul recalls this time in history when Moses wore a veil in 2 Corinthians 3:15-18.
“Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”
In his time with God on the mountain, Moses experienced Him. He beheld God and was changed. The glow of his face reflected time with God, but the children of Israel only saw their fear. Moses’ veiled face came to represent the veil covering a heart of unbelief. Only when one turns in faith to the Lord will the veil be lifted. With an unveiled face, a believer can approach God in confidence and freedom. With the Spirit at work, transformation can begin. Transformation or change causing one to resemble Jesus. Change that comes because we have been with Jesus.
Imagine drawing so near to God that others see His glory shining through. People see Him because we have been with Him. Isn’t that what it is all about? Shouldn’t people see a difference? Shouldn’t they be able to see Him as they look in our faces? Shouldn’t we ourselves know that difference deep within our souls?
We may not be able to see a difference when we look at ourselves in the mirror, but time with Jesus changes you. As you draw near to Jesus, everything else slips away. When you place your cares with Him, you can trust without a doubt because you know you are drawing near to a good God. A peace that passes all understanding steals over your heart, and you know that no matter what takes place in your life, you will be good. Your refuge and strength are in God who is above all else and loves each one of us like no one else. With your heart filled with God, He flows out of you through the love in your actions, the joy in your eyes, the calm in your storm, and yes, the shine on your face.
How could others not look at you and wonder? They will want the joy and delight in life that you have, and it is a joy you can share. Your time with God presents opportunity to show others how they can draw near to Him for themselves. Your joy can be their joy as you share God and the freedom they can have in Him.
So let the light of His glory shine through you. Be like Moses who drew so near to God that others couldn’t miss the reflection of Him. Our light shows others the veil in our hearts has been lifted. In drawing near to God, others might be drawn to Him because of what they see in you.
In His Love,