Susan Perelka

Person holding a paper heart

Moments with God, Vol. 66

He Came To Serve For as long as I can remember my church invites our neighboring friends to Community Day each Memorial Day. All-American hotdogs, chips, bags of popcorn, cookies, sticky cotton candy, bounce houses, pony rides, animal shows, and prizes! This yearly event invites families to enjoy a fun time at no cost. Though…
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Seagull flying at the beach

Moments with God, Vol. 65

Don’t Let It Slip Away Vacation – the very word brings floods of memories, dreams of destinations, offers relaxation and an escape from routine. Vacations give us an opportunity to explore unfamiliar places, revisit old, spend time with family or reconnect with friends. On Tuesday, we returned from an extended weekend with our best friends.…
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Bees on the roof

Moments with God, Vol. 64

What Quietly Enters In Bees…the buzzing can cause us to run for cover, but the golden honey mixed with melted butter on a biscuit makes one thankful they exist. Bees do have some wonderful qualities. They are necessary for our environment as they are great pollinators, carrying pollen to different plants fertilizing them so they…
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Image of man walking by clocks

Moments with God, Vol. 63

Made for Something More For each day there are three meals, food to be cooked and dishes to be cleaned. For every week there are clothes, dirty in the washer and clean out of the dryer. For every room there is dust, a cloth to clean and a vacuum to run. For each season there…
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Moments with God, Vol. 62

Out of Balance I have just come through several weeks of extreme busyness in every area of my life. Well, come through is not exactly the right wording, because I still have much on my plate. Really with my work, it comes in waves. I can be extremely busy for a while, and then I…
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Susan Perelka and Grandfather

Moments with God, Vol. 61

The Voice of His Love My mom went home to be with the Lord in July of 2013. With her passing, my dad struggled to find his place. He was so lost without her and just could not figure out life. Five years after she died, he made the decision to sell their home in…
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Image of a To-do-list being checked off

Moments with God, Vol. 60

Tomorrow’s Troubles “Are you busy?” How often have you been asked that? In response to an email from my sweet friend, Sara, I shared with her how I am always busy, but I felt like I go through waves of being incredibly busy to manageable. Looking at her recent posts, I observed that our lives…
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Turtles on a log in a lake

Moments with God, Vol. 59

Know Your Need Our house backs up to part of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Much wildlife has made its way through our yard as the years have gone by. When my boys were quite young, we started to see a lot of frogs and turtles. One summer afternoon, the boys had enjoyed some time…
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Pine tree growing among fallen leaves

Moments with God, Vol. 58

Becoming a Towering Tree Several weeks ago, Bethany and I walked a new path that led us through many wooded areas. As we rounded a curve, I noticed a small evergreen near the path had worked its way through the ground. Less than a foot tall, the green in its foliage was fresh and bright.…
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Sun peaking through clouds

Moments with God, Vol. 57

Face to Face This past weekend, I had the opportunity to watch Jesus, a production of Sight and Sound Theatres. This online presentation shared the story of Jesus – His life, His ministry, His teaching, His miracles. I watched as the disciples were chosen, enjoyed interactions Jesus had with children, with His disciples, with Mary, and…
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