The Search for the Perfect Gift Moments with God, Vol. 91
The search for gifts had officially begun! Slipping into the cold back car seat, my excitement started to bubble. We were headed to the mall to find the deals of the season! Thanksgiving had passed, but Black Friday had come. The lines would be long, but the savings would be high. When I was a child, my mom, grandma, and I would search for good deals as our Christmas shopping began on Black Friday. Black Friday still exists today but is much different from the olden days. Now you can shop from the comfort of your home. Deals can still be found at the store, but lines are not as long, and savings may not be as high. And, Black Friday has been joined by Cyber Monday.
Black Friday definitely sparked Christmas shopping at my house. Lists were asked for, and the search began for the perfect gifts. But you know, not all gifts have to be purchased. Sometimes what is freely given has no monetary value. Sometimes the greatest gifts we give are not chosen ahead of time, they are given in the moment. They are gifts of fruit – spiritual fruit.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
Our hope for the holiday season is love, joy, and peace, but sometimes we are met with stress, unkindness, and impatience. Our days are filled with activities, preparations, and programs, and we forget why we celebrate the season. Rushing to finish the shopping, place the decorations, and prepare fancy food, fuses run short, and the stress of the season removes love, joy, and peace from all the celebrations.
What if our search for the perfect gift ends with one given from our heart? To the shopping mom with the crying infant, give the gift of kindness and with a genuine smile offer for her to slip ahead of you in line. To the overworked postal worker, offer a gift of love in a cup of coffee or a treat as they continue on their route. When mistakes are made in orders, offer self-control as the situation is resolved. Lines will be longvery long, and rather than crabbing, offer patience. Above all, remember love, joy and peace, the hope of not only our holiday season but our entire year.
These gifts of the Spirit’s fruit are gifts we can freely give at any time and anywhere. When received, the value of this gift may extend beyond any gift of monetary value. It may lead us into an opportunity to share the greatest gift that was ever given, the gift of Jesus.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
God knew there was one gift we all needed, so in His love He sent His Son to earth as a little baby to a small town called Bethlehem. Jesus would walk among man and share His love, and then pay the price for the sins of all mankind. He offers this precious gift of salvation to all who will receive it.
You never know what doors will open to you because you have shared the gifts of His Spirit. Hearts may be open to hear of the greatest gift ever offered – Jesus. So, what gifts of fruit can you offer today to those around you? It may lead to the best Gift they will ever receive!