When Forgetting is Good Moments with God, Vol. 94
How could I forget? Well, it seemed pretty easily! Finishing the preparations of my lunch, the smell of fresh brewed coffee wafted through my kitchen. I could not wait to take that first sip as I settled into my time with the Lord. I took a peek over as the ending gurgle signaled the pot was full. And then, all I could think was “how could I forget?” Fresh brewed coffee streamed off the counter down the cabinets onto my freshly washed floor. I forgot to slip the coffee pot into place as I pressed the button to brew. Slightly irritated, I cleaned up the mess. I have been forgetting a few things lately, and I do not like to forget, yet sometimes it is good to forget.
Imagine a runner sprinting forward in a race. With each footfall, he moves forward, closer to victory. Hearing pursuit behind him, he glances back. With his focus behind, he stumbles and falls allowing runners to quickly sweep past him. Disappointment flows through him as he recalls the advice of his coach “Forget what is going on behind you and focus on the finish line.” With his focus diverted, the race was lost.
In Philippians 3, Paul describes the strategy of his life’s race.
“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12-14)
Paul had a lot he could have remembered from his past. He had persecuted believers before he came to know the Lord. His life was filled with sinful behavior, but in coming to know God, he was greatly used by Him and had many victories through the work and power of God in his life. Yet Paul expresses his desire to forget what was behind and passionately pursue what was ahead – Jesus Christ. Though he was growing, Paul was never satisfied with his growth in the Lord. He always wanted to know more and more, so his life would reflect God more and more until his race ended and he was in heaven with Jesus. He kept his focus on the prize – eternity with his Savior.
Our past can so profoundly affect us. We are defined by our experiences, how others view us, by our successes as well as our failures. Sometimes those experiences can hold us to the past or control our present. We are kept from moving forward with the view of our future seeming so unclear and overwhelming. We lose momentum and often stop, staying in our struggles. Growth becomes stagnant, and we feel lost. Sometimes our past victories provide us with the excuse of having done enough, so we slip into complacency. Growth decreases and movement stops. Looking back has kept us from movement forward into a joyous, hope-filled life of knowing Jesus. Focus has been lost.
So, where is your focus? Are you looking to the past and settled in it? What keeps you from moving forward and passionately pursuing Jesus? As Paul ran his race, he forgot as he looked forward. He kept his focus on what was ahead. His goal was to pursue Jesus leading him to become more like Jesus until he was with Jesus.
Lay aside those things that chain you to your past. Leave behind anything that keeps you from fixing your eyes on Jesus and pursuing Him with all your heart. The prize? Eternity with Jesus. Do not look back. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and run the race until you see Him face to face.