A Sure Foundation Moments with God, Vol. 82
Walking along a variety of trails takes me many places. One particular trail I love has me pass underneath some immense bridges. While I cannot see the “deck,” the surface that carries the traffic, I have an amazing view of the foundation. The abutments support the bridge on one end and the other end is anchored to the foundation on land. Weight placed on the bridge is absorbed by the abutments, which also function as retaining walls preventing movement from the earth approaching the bridge. Abutments help keep the bridge strong and secure. Incidentally, those who drive cars and semis across the deck trust that the foundation of the bridge is strong and secure.
Sometimes life can cause us to feel anything but strong and secure. We travel along our path of life but as we pass over a bridge to a new season or situation, we find our foundation feels shaky. Where we once felt strong, we now feel weak. Our trust is shaken, leading to worry, doubt, and fear.
Throughout the book of Psalms, David recounts times when his foundation is shaken. Enemies bear down upon him, and he cries out to the Lord in his doubt and fear. He knows if the Lord does not help him, he will not make it through. As he turns to the Lord in despair, he remembers God.
“Blessed be the Lord! For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. The Lord is the strength of his people; he is the saving refuge of his anointed. Oh, save your people and bless your heritage! Be their shepherd and carry them forever.” (Psalm 28:6-9)
David’s surface view was of his enemies coming against him, but as he remembers God, he looks beneath the surface to his sure foundation. Looking to the Lord, he knows help will come. God gives strength to the weary. He is a shield, standing in the way and protecting from harm. Upheld by God’s strength and protection, David’s hope and trust grow replacing despair. Once again firm in his foundation, David knows the Lord is his safety, his shelter, his security. Though enemies still attack, David is carried by his shepherd. The Lord will forever carry him close to His heart.
Are there times when your foundation is shaken? Do you feel you will not make it through without help? Please know God desires to carry you close to His heart. When David looked on the surface, he fell into despair, but as he looked below, he was reminded his foundation in God was firm.
God wants to carry you close to His heart in the same way. He will be your strength and shield. He will be your refuge and your safe place. He will be a firm foundation, so that no matter what is taking place on the “deck,” you can rejoice in your heart and give thanks. Your shepherd will carry you forever. You can have strength and security on the surface because your trust is in God who is your sure foundation.
In His Love,