Set Apart Moments with God, Vol. 35
In our day, COVID caused us to stay away from others, to avoid contact to prevent the spread of this dangerous illness. Long ago, a dangerous illness forcing people to keep at a distance was leprosy. While cases of leprosy still exist today, it is rare and treatable through medications. Back in the time of Jesus, however, people with leprosy were commanded to stay away from others to avoid the spread of the disease, reminding us of our quarantine with COVID. Leprosy is an infection causing severe skin sores, nerve damage, and muscle weakness. Back in Bible times, there was only one cure found – Jesus.
“And a leper came to him, imploring him, and kneeling said to him, “If you will, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will; be clean.” And immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean.” (Mark 1:40-42)
To protect His people and to keep them pure, God established laws for those affected by leprosy. If the disease was suspected, they were set apart from the rest of the people. Each week lepers were required to come before the priest to be declared clean or unclean. They were not allowed to touch or be in close contact with others. Yet, Jesus was moved with compassion. When the leper asked for cleansing, He stretched out His hand and touched him, healing him. The leper would be declared clean by the priest, no longer a leper but part of the people once again. Fellowship was restored just as our fellowship with God is restored when we seek His forgiveness for the sins we commit. The same rejoicing flows out, and we desire to share what God has done.
This leper was bold. Aware of his restrictions, he was also aware of Jesus. He believed what Jesus could do, and in the desperation of his plight, he went against the laws of leprosy and sought Jesus. Kneeling before Him, the leper asked for cleansing, but only if it was God’s will for him. Back in that time, leprosy was considered the result of sin. The leper did not presume Jesus would have mercy on him. However, this is exactly what Jesus offered. In His mercy and love, not only did Jesus cleanse the man of leprosy but of sin. The man’s faith brought him to Jesus, and his faith in the work of Jesus brought him complete healing. Whether the leprosy was the result of this man’s sin or the effects of sin on the world, cleansing was found in the Son of God. Jesus touched what couldn’t be touched and brought purity and restored fellowship.
Jesus offers the same for each one of us. He touches our hardened hearts and brings cleansing through His mercy and grace. When we seek His forgiveness, He restores and brings complete healing. God wants us to be set apart. When we allow sin to enter our lives, He often uses difficulties and heartache to cause us to see the need for cleansing. We are set apart from Him because of sin, but with cleansing we are set apart for Him. God will always extend His steadfast love, mercy, and grace. Will you allow Him to do what it takes to keep you set apart for His use?
In His Love,