Forever Friends Moments with God, Vol. 25
Many, many years ago, God blessed me with three beautiful friends. I clearly remember the day my friendship formed with each one of them.
Tonya first approached me at a ladies retreat and asked if I would be a prayer partner with her. Honestly, I was surprised when she asked but humbled that of all the women at the retreat, she would pick me. From that moment, I have been abundantly blessed with her gift of friendship. Tonya is a sweet, quiet woman, ready to laugh, humble and kind. She is quick to tears, because her heart is so full of love and tenderness. With her children being a bit older than most of mine, I have learned the next steps from her. She has grown through the years to have such a quiet trust in God as her walk has deepened with Him.
I met Carrie when my husband, Greg and I were asked to take Eric, Carrie and their young son, Alex, out to dinner while Eric was candidating to be the assistant pastor at our church. Carrie and I have been friends ever since. We enjoyed teaching Buddies (part of our Wednesday night kid’s program) together. We played well off of each other as we taught the kids about Jesus. We also have had the opportunity to work in the office together. Carrie is practical and no nonsense. She sees life clearly and will tell you like it is. She has an amazing listening ear and is quick to give strengthening hugs. She is not over emotional and patiently puts up with me, her overemotional friend. She has also taught me much about canning!
Steph, well, she is the sister I never had. She knows me inside and out. Our first time together, we travelled with some of our children and shared a room as our husbands ministered with the teens at Camp Patmos. We barely knew each other, but in those few days a solid friendship formed not only with us but with our kids. To our children’s delight, we spent many late nights scrapbooking when the men were away, which meant late nights together for the kids. They loved it! Early on in our friendship, Stephanie gifted me with her confidences and hurts. I was so humbled that she would share her heart with me. This also enabled me to share my heart with her, and I am blessed by the trust I have discovered in her. Stephanie is just always there, listening, loving, pointing out my faults in love as she points me right back to Jesus. She accepts me as I am but pushes me forward. She trusts me, encourages me and believes in me. She is my greatest supporter.
While this is different from what I usually write, I share about these beautiful women, because several weeks ago we had the opportunity to get away together for a few days. Actually, we have been blessed this year with more time together than in previous years. As I have thought about that time away, I am reminded of several verses describing friendship and the importance of it.
“For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” (Ecclesiastes 4:10)
“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)
These verses describe our friendship and remind me of the value of the friendship the four of us share. To sharpen an iron tool, the tool is rubbed against an iron file or some other iron. In the same way, friends sharpen one another by sharing and spending time together. In spending time with special friends, you come away feeling refreshed, sharpened and revived. Often our time together allows us to talk through struggles or fears. We also share joys and blessings. We encourage one another as we point out gifts and abilities. We strengthen one another as we work through difficulties. We laugh, talk and just enjoy being together. When our time comes to an end, we go home ready to face whatever is next in each of our lives. We ended our days together by sharing prayer requests and praying for one another. Although the days we shared together were filled with fun and wonderful talks, these were my favorite moments as we lifted one another up in prayer with the promise of continuing prayer for one another and more frequent time together.
Many years ago, when I was facing some struggles and was a little more closed off from people, I received some amazing advice from a close friend. I was encouraged to seek friendships rather than choosing to be alone. Around the same time, I also came across Proverbs 18:1a which says, “Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire.” God does not intend for us to live life alone. He wants us to share life and love. He wants us to encourage and sharpen one another. He wants us to point each other to Him as we encourage one another in our spiritual walks.
Since that time, my friendship with Carrie, Tonya and Stephanie has deepened, and I have had the privilege of enjoying friendship with so many others. Friendships, both new and old, have definitely enriched my life and shown me how to love in a different way. Don’t choose a life of loneliness, choose friends!