
Arch of flowers

Moments with God, Vol. 27

Like No Other This past year, our church invited women to enjoy an evening out and be under the ministry of Shannon Popkin, author of Comparison Girl. While Shannon was unable to uncover all the teachings in her book that night, she reminded us from God’s Word how valued we are. Before that evening, I…
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Seagull at the beach

Moments with God, Vol. 26

Cleansing of the Waves I had the opportunity the first week of August to travel to Jupiter, Florida with my husband, Greg, and two of our children, Bryan and Bethany. We were offered the use of a house near the beach, and my soul immediately said yes! The beach brings such healing to my heart…
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Welcome to Big Fish Cottage - Susan Perelka with Friends

Moments with God, Vol. 25

Forever Friends Many, many years ago, God blessed me with three beautiful friends. I clearly remember the day my friendship formed with each one of them. Tonya first approached me at a ladies retreat and asked if I would be a prayer partner with her. Honestly, I was surprised when she asked but humbled that…
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Sheep in the grass

Moments with God, Vol. 24

“I Shall Not Want” David understood his analogy of our life with God and a shepherd with his sheep far more than I ever will. David was a shepherd. He knew sheep and their tendencies. Though I have never been a shepherd, I do know what a mother does in caring for her children. This…
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Fallen hourglass on sand

Moments with God, Vol. 23

What Time Is It? What time is it? Are we going to be on time? How much time do we have? Time, it is such an important part of our lives, especially as Americans. We always seem conscious of the time, running out of it, what we are doing with it. Our lives are controlled…
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Three young men at the beach

Moments with God, Vol. 22

Like a Child I loved when my boys were little, but I must say, it was an incredibly exhausting time. Someone always needed to be fed, go down for a nap, or just needed mom. With having three so close together, it seemed they were always on slightly different schedules. My boys depended on me…
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Holding the hand of a child

Moments with God, Vol. 21

Take My Hand Holding a hand. What a sense of belonging, comfort, love, guidance, and support holding a hand creates. God gives us this simple gesture to connect physically with one another. In the same way, Jesus reaches out His hand to His own to provide the very same things. In Isaiah 42, God has…
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Park bench at the edge of the lake by a tree

Moments with God, Vol. 20

Without Hope Hope, people so desperately need it. Hope keeps a person going, giving strength to endure knowing the future will be brighter. Loss of hope causes a person to fall into utter despair, feeling there is no way out. Recently, I witnessed a person who completely lost hope. I could not save this person.…
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Seagull flying at the beach

Moments with God, Vol. 19

The Secret to Contentment As a senior in high school, my son, Bryan made the decision to pursue a degree in Marine Biology. This meant we needed to find a college by the ocean. With two choices in mind, Bry and I travelled down south to compare his top two choices, Eckerd College in St.…
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Grass with yellow flowers

Moments with God, Vol. 18

What Do You See? Back in my days at Cedarville College, we would start each year with a speech from President Dixon asking us to stay off the well-manicured lawns. The one exception was if we saw a dandelion. A dandelion thriving in the midst of the green lawn gave permission for us to go…
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