Susan Perelka

Fallen Domino tiles

Moments with God, Vol. 7

Light Shines in the Darkness I have never minded the darkness. I will walk through my house in the night without any problem. Even though the dark of the night makes it difficult to see, it is never pitch black, plus I know my house. I will walk through without a light. However, being out…
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Autumn trees by the lake

Moments with God Vol. 6

Not my will, but Yours Grand Canyon University, Liberty University, or The Ohio State University? Being uncertain about the future and next steps rattled my son, Ben, as he sought God’s will in his college choices last fall. Ben faced a back-and-forth struggle until God helped him settle on OSU. Seeking God’s plan, not knowing…
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Footprints in the snow

Moments with God, Vol. 5

Grace That Is Greater The book of Isaiah is filled with many wonderful passages. In this Old Testament book, Isaiah describes Israel’s sin and rebellion against God and the warning of judgment. However, Isaiah also offers a message of hope. The nation of Israel had already divided after the death of Solomon calling the ten…
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Looking at a palm tree through a whole on the ceiling

Moments with God Vol. 4

Where will your feet take you? Walking ~ one foot in front of the other ~ but the places your feet can take you! I love walking! I explore different trails and parks taking me through wooded areas, past gently flowing streams, and through fields of flowers. I can’t imagine not being able to stand…
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Battle of the Mind

Moments With God Vol. 3

Are you ready to battle? In this life, people face so many different battles from financial hardship to relational issues to career pressures, however battles of the mind challenge me the most. I have probably struggled with my mind for most of my life. I am a thinker, actually an overthinker. I observe things and…
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“With all My heart and all My soul”

Jeremiah 32:38-41 Complete panic filled our hearts as we realized our daughter, Bethany was not by our side. She was right there and suddenly she was lost in the crowd. Our family had joined another family of friends at a farm to enjoy a fall festival. Darkness was all around and people of all ages…
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What’s behind Moments with God Thank you for taking time to share with me in Moments with God. My hope and prayer is that you will be encouraged to know God more and to draw closer in your walk with Him. I want to give you a little background to what led me to writing…
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This is Moments with God.
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