Moments with God, Vol. 44

Aurora Boreali

The Best Resolution

What are you doing for New Year’s Eve? Probably one of the most asked questions soon after Christmas. People begin their plans for a party, staying up through the early morning hours as a new year is ushered in. I have never been big on New Year’s Eve celebrations. I would rather go to bed by 10, but for the sake of my family, I try to stay up til just past midnight.

I do like the idea of beginning the new year fresh, but I am not one to make resolutions. The several times I did, the resolutions I made did not last long. Some choose a word for the year, but I am guessing that would not go much better for me than a resolution. Maybe I will give that a try next year.

One resolution we all need to make as the year changes is found in Psalm 73. Toward the end of the passage, Asaph shares what he found he needs to do. It is something all of us as believers need to do, because doing so, our new year is sure to be a success. Asaph says, “For me it is good to be near God.”

“Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. For behold, those who are far from you shall perish; you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you. But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works.” (Psalm 73:23-28)

Before Asaph comes to this resolution, he reminds us of how God takes us through our journey in life. God is continually with us. From the very start when we trusted Jesus to be our Savior and Lord, the Holy Spirit made His home within us. He counsels us in whatever we face in life. Life can be very difficult, and we do not always understand what is taking place, let alone know how to move forward. God takes us by the hand, carefully guides us along the way, and gives us all the wisdom and grace we need to take the next steps. He never leaves us alone. There may be times in life when we feel utterly alone, but Jesus is our Friend who always stands right beside us, holding our hand. What incredible comfort and love comes with someone who not only comes alongside us but takes our hand. We know they are really with us. Our God is like that, not only through the difficulties of life, but through the joys. He is our strength and help through all of life’s journey, until He takes us home to be with Him. There is incredible comfort in that, as well as security.

This brings us to that last phrase. “For me it is good to be near God.” God has promised He will never leave us or forsake us. Why do we sometimes feel He is not there? Why are there times we feel utterly lost and alone? When we remember God’s promises, we remember He is faithful. He will never leave us. Those times when we feel alone, maybe we have stepped away. God is always at work in our lives, but sometimes those difficulties cause us to take our eyes off of Him and what He can do through us as we face those difficulties.

So, have you stepped away? There are times when I do. Draw near to God. Talk to Him. Spend time reading and studying His Word. Meditate on the truths of the Bible and let them fill your mind. God will do the work of changing your heart. When you draw near to God, you will find Him. You will love Him more, desire to know Him more, and in turn will desire to share more of Him with others. You will find He is a constant refuge, and you will find truth, hope and strength in Him. You will be prepared for whatever you face in life’s journey, and you will know you are never alone. God never leaves you to do it alone, and you will find your desire is only to be with Him.

Yes, for me, it is good to be near God. It is the greatest resolution both you and I can make in this new year and every year. If you do like to make New Year’s resolutions or choose a word of the year, make sure whatever you choose draws you near to Him.

In His Love,


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