Moments with God, Vol. 27

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Like No Other

This past year, our church invited women to enjoy an evening out and be under the ministry of Shannon Popkin, author of Comparison Girl. While Shannon was unable to uncover all the teachings in her book that night, she reminded us from God’s Word how valued we are. Before that evening, I participated in a Women’s Study with our church ladies reading through her entire book. Later I met with a small group of women as we went through the study a second time at a slower pace. I highly recommend her book! Through doing her study, I came to realize how much I compare who I am and how God made me with others. In comparing myself with others, I find myself not always content with who God made me to be. I am not happy with the gifts He has given me, because I want different. I want to do what others can do. I want things the way I think they should be. Have you ever felt this way?

As I have thought through this, I realize more and more how selfish I am and how I want to be in control of something I was never meant to be in control of…me.

God never meant for us all to be the same. He has different jobs for different people to achieve the plan He has in bringing others to Him. Paul describes this in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6.

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.”

Different gifts for each of us, but He is the giver and provider of them all, and they are all for His purposes.

When I compare myself to others or am not content with how I am and the gifts God has given, I am, in effect saying that what God has made is not good enough, that He made a mistake because I am not like someone else. When I focus on myself, I see only myself. I cannot see what God is trying to do through me. When my focus is on me and not on Him, I limit how He is able to use me. God cannot receive the glory for His work because I am taking that away from Him by trying to take it for myself.

If I am trying to do anything without God, the glory cannot go to Him. If the things that we do are not for Him and because of Him, they are wood, hay and stubble and will be burned up as described in 1 Corinthians 3:11-15. I have come to realize that because of how valued and important I am to God, I don’t need to compare myself. He made me exactly how He wants me to be, so that He can use me exactly as He wants to use me. If I were like others, I wouldn’t be as special. God uses all our differences to achieve one purpose – to show Himself. We were made for Him. We are of value because of Him. He alone deserves the glory. He is our sovereign God who knows the best plan for us so that others see Him and are drawn to Him.

Do you realize how amazing God made you?

What gifts has He given you that makes you like no other?

One of God’s gifts to us was giving us gifts to give to others.

In His Love,



  1. Sharon Martin on September 25, 2023 at 7:19 am

    Open my eyes Lord.

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