Moments with God, Vol. 26

Seagull at the beach

Cleansing of the Waves

I had the opportunity the first week of August to travel to Jupiter, Florida with my husband, Greg, and two of our children, Bryan and Bethany. We were offered the use of a house near the beach, and my soul immediately said yes! The beach brings such healing to my heart and soul. The sound of the waves flows through me and calms me, refreshing my spirit.

Every single day, we spent a few hours at the beach. Bethany immediately goes to the water. Greg and Bry do a variety of things, but I lay on the beach, close my eyes, and listen to the waves. I felt the wave coming into my mind and heart and upon returning to the ocean, it took the hurt, the struggles, and the depressing, negative thoughts out with it. As the next wave washed through my mind, I felt renewal as God’s strength and unfailing love filled my soul. Day after day, waves washed in and out of my heart and soul refreshing my spirit and renewing my mind.

Paul talks about renewing your mind in Romans 12:1-2.

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

When I think of the cross, I think of the great sacrifice Jesus made in giving Himself that those who believe in Him might live. Coming to a greater understanding of the meaning of His sacrifice prompts a willingness to give ourselves completely to Him as a living sacrifice. Being a living sacrifice is our willingness to present ourselves before God for Him to use in any way He sees fit for His own glory. The Christian life is a daily giving over of our life to God for His service, but this calls us to be fit for His use.

At the moment of salvation, God begins the process of sanctification. His Spirit indwells us and through the transforming power of His Word changes our lives to reflect His holiness. As God’s words enter our mind and heart, we are able to recognize and reject the thinking of the world. Rather than behaving like the world, we are molded to the image of the Son and reflect Him through our words and actions. However, this does need to be a daily renewal in the believer’s mind through time with the Lord, talking with Him and meditating on His truth. And, yes, sometimes extra time, like the cleansing of ocean waves, needs to take place. Living in our fallen world and the challenges of daily life can drain us of spiritual strength. Taking time away to be refilled and renewed, enjoying a time set aside for rest and worship helps to renew us in the Lord and prepares us for the next tasks He has in our journey.

Only through the work of the Spirit can our minds be renewed making us more like Christ. As this takes place, we are less like the world, and our desires, thoughts and ways become like His. The renewal in our mind changes our hearts and comes out in our actions. This is pleasing to God and our spiritual worship.

How has Jesus’ sacrifice changed how you view being a living sacrifice for God?

How are you allowing the Holy Spirit to renew your heart?

Worldly thoughts flow out renewed by the Spirit flowing in refreshing the soul.

In His Love,


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