Moments with God, Vol. 22

Three young men at the beach

Like a Child

I loved when my boys were little, but I must say, it was an incredibly exhausting time. Someone always needed to be fed, go down for a nap, or just needed mom. With having three so close together, it seemed they were always on slightly different schedules. My boys depended on me to take care of them, to teach them, to show them life. Children have a simple trust, because while they are little, they are weak, needy, and dependent on someone to care for their needs.

When parents would bring their children to Jesus, the disciples stepped in the way and tried to discourage them. They wanted to free Jesus to spend His time with more important matters. However, Jesus stopped them and encouraged the children to come.

“And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them. (Mark 10:13-16)

Children are weak, know little, have needs to be met, and depend on others for their survival. When children place their trust in someone, they do it so humbly and wholeheartedly. They know they have much to learn and are dependent on their parents. When children trust parents, they trust completely. Jesus offers them as a model of how someone should come to God.

When children come to God in faith, they do not have a complete understanding of God. They accept the grace He offers and forgiveness of sin with simple faith. They trust that God will take care of them. Their humble faith is wholehearted and complete.

Growing into adulthood tends to complicate our faith as we allow the knowledge and experiences of life to shape us. We place our trust in ourselves, in others, in circumstances. We put our dependence on money, status, and others, rather than God. We trust God for the promises of eternity but forget to trust Him in the day to day.

Children bring nothing into this world but weakness, need, and dependence. However, we are children of God if we have received His gift of salvation by faith. That faith when we first believed was a simple trust that Jesus took the punishment of our sin on the cross. Accepting His gift of salvation made us a child of God. That simple trust is the same. We are to come to God with child-like faith, knowing we are weak, needy, and completely dependent on Him.

What keeps you from trusting God like a child?

Are you still trying to do it on your own?

Simple trust begins by accepting God’s gift with the same trust that will carry you through to eternity.

In His Love,


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