Susan Perelka

Moments with God, Vol. 80

Abide   As I sit to write, this is one of those days when I just have nothing to say. My day was not a bad day, but it also wasn’t a good day. The hours at work were long with not much to do, only for me to get home with more than enough…
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Moments with God, Vol. 79

Be the Difference While I was walking the path last week, a runner slipped passed me. Normally caught up in classical arrangements and the beauty of nature, I am lost to all around me, but the back of the runner’s shirt caught my eye. Written were the words “Be the difference that makes the difference.”…
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New Ebook! Download your copy today! Only 99¢ limited time offer - Trust in every moment

Introducing – Trust in Every Moment

A Journey Toward God Good Morning! For over a year and a half, I have been sharing with you some of the truths I have learned from the Word of God. My prayer each week I am able to write is that as I share what I have learned, the truths will also help you…
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Moments with God, Vol. 78

What Are You Saying? The other night at dinner, my son, Ben took a drink from his cup ending the gulp with a look of disgruntled surprise. What he thought was a cup of cold water was in actuality Sprite. The clear liquid appeared to be something it was not. His expectations of a clear…
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spider webs in the tree

Moments with God, Vol. 77

Don’t Leave the Path! “DON’T LEAVE THE PATH!” The last words of Gandalf echoed through their minds as Thorin and Company along with Bilbo Baggins entered the Mirkwood Forest on their way to the Lonely Mountain. They had just begun the most dangerous part of their journey in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. The path was…
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Hand with tie on finger

Moments with God, Vol. 76

Don’t Forget I have noticed crazy things happening around my house! Lights are left on in an empty basement. The refrigerator door is carelessly left open. Items are misplaced, and tasks are left undone. I look around to find the culprit, only to realize it is me. I leave lights on, in the hurry to…
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Moments with God, Vol. 75

The Power of a Windmill Tonya, my co-teacher, and I recently finished a series of lessons about missionaries with our pre-kindergarten class. I loved sharing with them the life of Saul and how his life was transformed after meeting Jesus. By the power of the Holy Spirit, he quickly became one of the greatest missionaries…
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Trail Walk

Moments with God, Vol. 74

The Valley Walking along one of my favorite trails, I look up at the vast incline to see tall, towering trees filled with lush green leaves. Near the base of the trees, the ground is covered with a fine fern and undergrowth, looking like a velvety carpet. While this describes the beauty of the summer,…
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Moments with God, Vol. 74

The Valley  Walking along one of my favorite trails, I look up at the vast incline to see tall, towering trees filled with lush green leaves. Near the base of the trees, the ground is covered with a fine fern and undergrowth, looking like a velvety carpet. While this describes the beauty of the summer,…
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Moments with God, Vol. 73

An Invitation Beautiful melody filled the air as the touch on the keys of our church’s grand piano brought Mia and Sebastian’s Theme from La La Land to my ears. Seeking the pianist, I discovered the musician was actually my son, Branden! This led me to discover Branden had been blessed with an ear for music. He could hear…
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