Spring Rains Moments with God, Vol. 67
I love the spring rains, especially when I look out at our velvety green lawn. As I venture out in late spring and walk across the feathery grass, I start to notice the jungle that used to be my flowerbeds. The branches from my well-kept bushes weave around one another and block the path. The stone path bordered with grass is now completely covered with moss and turf. The spring rains have done their job and caused beautiful growth, however the growth needs pruning. The wild, contrary branches need cutting and shaping. No longer walking across the velvety lawn, I am down on my knees searching for stones, clearing away moss and grass, disturbing worms, and guiding growth.
The spring rains brought back life that departed during the fall and winter seasons. During those seasons, growth slows down and the days are shorter. Darkness lengthens until the spring.
Darkness fell upon Israel as the result of sin. Growth diminished, and fellowship with God ceased. No different from the children of Israel, I can go through times of darkness because of sin. A wall is built between God and me, which I know this is not unlike other believers or even you. We each have a sin nature and give in to temptation. We are held captive by sin and oppression, almost as if we are buried in a tomb. There is no light or life because we have blocked our source of life with sin.
But God, filled with abundant mercy and love, comes for us. He does not want us to remain in the depths of our sin, so like Israel, He comes for us. Longing for light and peace, we turn to Him in repentance as the Jewish people did in the book of Hosea.
“Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him. Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.” (Hosea 6:1-3)
I don’t know about you, but when I am not right with God, I am completely miserable. I feel lost and alone. I am troubled in my heart and soul. I long for peace, the peace that only comes through a restored relationship with my Heavenly Father. I long for the growth of spring, so in repentance, I return to Him, and the pruning begins.
To take us to the place of repentance, God must sometimes do some tearing, some wounding, or take us through some challenging times. He tears us in order to heal us. He wounds us in order to bind us. Jesus, in His victory over sin and death, brought life and hope. When we come to God in confession of our sins, we are restored to light and healing begins. Showered with His grace and love, God prunes and shapes. He cuts off the dead allowing growth. He removes to restore. He clears and guides, enabling blossoms and fruit to sprout. Spring has come.
So what season are you in? If you remain in darkness, return to the Lord, and let Jesus draw you back into His light. He longs to deliver you from sin through His mercy and grace. Tearing and pruning may hurt, but the fruit from God’s labor will bring you back to a life of peace and abundance.
Different seasons are all a part of living in Ohio. As God’s children, we also experience different seasons in our heart. Don’t stay in the darkness. Let the showers of His spring rains bring you back to life.
In His Love,