Moments with God, Vol. 40

Forest path covered in fallen leaves

Look for the Signs

I went for a walk in the woods the other day. Most of the leaves had fallen from the trees and with the many trees, beautiful leaves created a golden layer on the ground. In fact, there were so many leaves, often the path was completely covered. A tree root would poke above the surface giving me enough notice to step over and not trip on it. Rocks were hidden among the leaves, and my feet slid several times with newly fallen leaves covering the wet and sodden ones beneath. Stretches of the path could not be seen for all the leaves. I kept moving forward keeping my eyes open for trail signs dotting the path letting me know I was still on the correct path.

Look for the Signs 02

Just like those trail signs, God is the guidepost along the path of my life. Sometimes I cannot see the path because of all that covers it. The way is so unclear. When we keep our eyes fixed on the Guide, we will stay on the correct path. I am reminded of this in Psalm 37, a psalm of David.

“The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.” (Psalm 37:23-24)

Our steps are ordered by the Lord. He has a plan for each one of us, but so often we have our own plans that take us off His course for us. In those moments of veering off His path, we fall and fail. We bend and break. We mess up and sin. But the Lord upholds us with His hand. He never stops chasing us. He is always there to help, teach, correct, and lift us back on our feet to continue along His path. In His mercy and grace, God takes us as we are and helps us try again. His forgiveness and love are greater than any mistakes, misjudgment, or wandering we choose to take veering us off His path.

Solomon also encourages us to keep focused on what is before us in Proverbs 4:25-27.

“Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.”

We can have assurance God goes before us guiding us along the correct path. Though the way may look messy, as we focus on Him and seek His plan, He makes the way clear as we see Him ahead. However, He also walks beside us. He holds our hand as we navigate our path. When we trip, He catches us and keeps us on the course. When we cannot see what is beneath and around us, He calmly assures us, surrounding us with His love and comforting presence.

We are so surrounded by God’s guidance. He goes before us with “trail signs” marking our path. He also walks beside us, holding our hand and guiding us back on course. Look ahead to God on your journey while holding His hand on the path. Seek His hand and let Him change your heart.

In His Love,


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