Moments with God, Vol. 32

Person praying at a pew

The Best Thing

Another wave, I feel like that is how it comes. It seems like everyone is doing well for a while, but then all of a sudden, so many around me are going through incredibly hard situations. They deal with the unknown, the unfair, the incredibly difficult. Around them, we seek ways to help. We want to make everything better. I am such a fix-it person, that I just want to take it away or make everything better. I feel helpless, like I am failing because there is nothing I can do but pray. However, I am reminded again and again that prayer is the best thing I can do. I cannot take struggles away, and really, if I could, I would probably make more of a mess if I tried to fix it. If I could take away the hardship, I would take away what God is trying to do. The only answer and the best answer is to pray. Take their needs before our sovereign, almighty God and leave them there.

There are so many verses on prayer in God’s Word. We are encouraged to go to Him with songs, hymns, and spiritual songs as an act of praise. We are to take our sin before Him and seek forgiveness and a changed life. We are encouraged to leave our burdens before the Lord. Countless times, we are reminded to pray for others.

This was included in the verses telling us to take up the full armor of God in Ephesians 6:13-20. While Paul lists all the pieces in the armor of God and their purpose, I want to focus on the sword of the Spirit. In verses 17b-18, Paul describes the sword of the Spirit and how prayer ties in with it.

“The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.”

The sword is the only offensive weapon in the entire list of armor. The Word of God is sharp and powerful. It is meant to be used in the battles we face, because we then face the battle with God’s truth. His truth will never fail. I love then that Paul follows that with prayer. The strength of prayer intertwined with scripture is powerful.

We are called to pray at all times and for all the saints. Often, we do not take advantage of this privilege. We have communion with the almighty God! We have the opportunity to come before Him and declare our praise. Through His mercy and grace, we can humbly come before Him when we fail and find forgiveness. We come before Him with the joys and the beauty seen in the lives of those around us. We also can come before Him with the ache in our hearts, with the helplessness we feel as we watch those around us wage battles with the unknown, the unforeseen, the seemingly unfair. We come in simple trust as we learn more and more to rely on God and His plan. We surrender our will to His as we wait for His timing and purpose in our lives and in those around us.

Sometimes prayer is the only thing we are able to do for a person in their journey, but it is always the best thing we can do. For in it, we are leaving before Him burdens He already knows, He is already using, and is a necessary part of His beautiful plan. Prayer causes change in life as we rely on the One who changes lives.

In His Love,


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